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D-Day - Preparing for the Invasion

In the months before D-Day, on 6 June 1944, Allied forces underwent intensive training for the amphibious landings and airborne assaults at military training ranges across the UK. Secret construction was also begun of sections of an artificial harbour, codenamed MULBERRY, which would be gathered in ports in southern England and towed to northern France after the landings.
Evidence of these invasion preparations still remain today. At Sherrifmuir, near Stirling, a section of 'Atlantic Wall', complete with anti-tank ditch, bunkers and trench systems, was built, to enable Allied troops to practice assault and demolition techniques ahead of the invasion. At Garlieston, near Wigtown, six sections of Mulberry pontoons are still visible today at low-tide. These were prototype sections, towed here to allow the Mulberry concept to be tested and developed on a beach with similar profile to those of Normandy.